Welcome to ICMS
VIRTUAL/ONLINE EVENTS: In view of the continuing spread of the COVID-19 virus, ICMS has looked at how to continue to support the mathematical sciences community
ICMS and INI have been exploring ways in which we can facilitate more activity within the mathematical sciences. We would like support to the mathematical sciences community in the UK by helping to organize and run online seminars (both one-off events and seminar series). Please see this电脑国内google加速软件 for more details.
ICMS, INI and Innovate UK’s Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) are working with various representatives from the mathematical sciences community to develop a virtual forum for knowledge exchange in the mathematical sciences (怎么在电脑上用谷歌). The main aim is to identify a range of virtual approaches that will help address challenges from business and industry, the third sector, and other groups outside academia. Please see this webpage for more details.
ICMS events due to be held at Bayes Centre, Edinburgh up to the end of July 2023 have been postponed.
The ICMS staff are now all working remotely. Please refer to the staff contact details page for email addresses.
ICMS supports research in the mathematical sciences. Its core activity is the development and organisation of international workshops and conferences in all areas of mathematics and these attract leading mathematical scientists from the UK and abroad.
In addition to workshops, ICMS is involved in a number of other mathematical activities such as small group research programmes, postgraduate training, journal management and outreach. ICMS also hosts events organised by other mathematical and related organisations.
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The ICMS is located at The Bayes Centre, 47 Potterrow, Edinburgh EH8 9BT.
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A call for virtual events, including seminar series, was launched late March.
Further details are available on this webpage.
Regular Virtual Seminar Series
Mondays at 2pm: One World Numerical Analysis
Tuesdays at 2pm: South East Mathematical Physics Seminars
Tuesdays at 4pm: Geometry and Topology Online Seminar
Tuesdays at 4pm: The RepNet Virtual Seminar
Tuesdays (bi-weekly): Wavinar: Waves in Complex Continua
Wednesdays at 1pm: One World Stochastic Numerics and Inverse Problems
Wednesdays at 2pm: Warwick Combinatorics Seminar Series
Wednedsays at 2pm: Virtual Integrable Systems Seminars
Wednesdays at 3pm: One World Nonlinear Waves and their Applications Seminar Series
Thursdays (variable timings): Research and teaching in statistical and data sciences
Thursdays at 1pm: LAGOON: Leicester Algebra and Geometry Open ONline
Thursdays at 3.30pm: OPSFOTA: Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions, Operator Theory and Applications virtual series
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Scientific understanding and modelling of the decontamination of COVID-19 infected spaces and surfaces
A call for virtual events was launched late March. Further details are available on this webpage. We are working to schedule numerous seminars and other events. We will post details once available.
August 10-14, 2023
14th International Conference in Monte Carlo & Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing
September 02, 2023
Mathematics Public Engagement Training Course, Session 1
September 09, 2023
Mathematics Public Engagement Training Course, Session 2
September 21-24, 2023
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics Workshop
November 2023
UK challenges and capabilities in computational acoustics - 3 day Sandpit
More to follow:
Recent Virtual Events
Details of virtual events since April 2023 is available here.
Detais of Events POSTPONED due to the global pandemic are available here.
We are working to reschedule Spring/Summer 2023 workshops and will post details once available.
In the meantime, recordings from various seminar series, events, workshops & public lectures are available on the ICMS channel.
Photos from previous ICMS events are available on our 电脑google用什么翻墙.
ICMS welcomes 国内电脑怎么上google and Research in Groups (RiGs) activities in all aspects of mathematical sciences and interdisciplinary areas with significant mathematical content.
Workshop proposals are considered by the Programme Committtee twice yearly. Proposal deadlines are
- the first of October in order to be considered in March;
- the first of April in order to be considered in June.
RiGs enables researchers to spend a short period in intensive research collaboration at ICMS, away from teaching and administration.
Full details of how to prepare and submit proposals can be found here.